On July 3rd, 2023, we have a Full Moon at 11° Capricorn.
This is a positive Full Moon that is trine Jupiter, opposite Mercury, and sextile Saturn. The beneficial Jupiter-Saturn sextile is “put to work” by the Moon in Capricorn. Some longer-term projects are finally moving forward.
At the Full Moon in Capricorn, we may discover that we already have all the resources we need to succeed – so it’s more about taking a leap of faith and making things happen for real.
At the Full Moon in Capricorn, your hard work is finally paying off. But instead of doing what the Capricorn Moon does – work even harder, embark on even greater challenges, – don’t forget to pause and celebrate, even the smallest of wins.
Long-term success comes one step at a time. When we don’t celebrate the small wins along the way, we lose sight of the big goal and then we’re just too energy-drained to continue.
At the Full Moon in Capricorn, remember that your hard work is making a difference. And that every little thing that you do will eventually bring you, one step at a time, closer to your goal.
Astro Butterfly www.astrobutterfly.com
