It’s time to “Let Go to Grow” Sagittarius style as we head into the June 3 Full Moon in the sign that wants you to shoot your arrows of possibility in new directions.
Letting go can be challenging and even though this moon is all about “making lemonade out of lemons” there are stressors that many of us could be feeling. Venus, operating in the late degrees of Cancer, will be heading towards an exact opposition with Pluto. This where the necessity to let go or distance yourself from something comes from. It may hurt and pull at your heartstrings but there is a distinct note of powerlessness over the situation (a Pluto MO). Something is bound to happen that is out of your hands and control. Let go, in order to grow is the message!
Saturn will also be in a wide-TSquare with the Moon & Sun. Saturn, currently operating in Pisces, will be pushing the envelope into the necessity to ground down and find some sort of structure in the situation. Even mutable signs (Sagittarius, Gemini & Pisces) can make a plan! These are signs that need a little wiggle room, however. So whatever is happening here needs space and flexibility to get its bearings.
Reap the Rewards that this Full Moon offers! Full Moons are celebrations. And this one has a nice amount of fun associated with it. Despite any of the uncomfortable growth factors, celebrate your courage and moving past wounds of the past with Chiron also in the mix.
Celebrate this moment. Be open to the possibilities. Something opportune may fly in quite unexpectedly!
Crystal B Astrology
art: Jens Fine Art
