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Intuitive Astrology: Cancer Full Moon January 2022

It’s the first Full Moon of 2022, and it falls in the watery, intuitive sign of Cancer. The Moon loves to be in the sign of Cancer, it is where it feels most at home, and each of us can tap into this harmonious energy during this window of time.

The Full Moon peaks on January 17, but typically we can feel the Full Moon about four days before it arrives. It is during this time that we can tap into the build-up of its energy, then as the Full Moon wanes we can begin to settle into the energies and whatever has arrived.

Full Moons are a time of release and letting go, and we are going to have to give this some extra consideration under the Cancer Full Moon. There may be a heaviness in the air which means we have to take conscious effort to shake off all that feels suffocating or disempowering.

The reason for this is the planet Pluto, which is hovering close to the Full Moon, exerting its influence on the sensitive lunar energies. Pluto is the planet of power, so our attention may be drawn to the power dynamics in our lives, where we feel the most powerful and even where we feel the most powerless.

Sometimes Pluto’s influence can make us feel stifled or that we are under the thumb in some way. It can exacerbate any pressure we are feeling, particularly in our relationships.

If any of these themes come up, think about how you can claim your power back. How can you put yourself in the driver’s seat of your life?

Constantly waiting or depending on the actions of others can put us in a powerless position, so be mindful of thinking that aligns in this way. Be mindful of basing any of your actions and beliefs on the attitudes and values of others. Be mindful of any thoughts that start with – “When this happens, then I will be at peace/happy/calm.”

Waiting for “this” to happen is the trap! So see if you can find ways to tune into the calm regardless of the actions of others or the climate that surrounds you.

If you are feeling any oppressive energy under this Full Moon, know that the Universe is supporting you to shake it off using the power of movement. Movement can be very healing and we may feel this even more so under the Full Moon.

Dancing, running, walking, swimming, or simply standing up and shaking out your entire body from head to toe are all ways to release and free any built-up tension or feelings of restlessness.

Another practice you can do is to simply observe the relationships in your life and any dynamics that are contributing to feelings of powerlessness.

How can you shift these behavior patterns, even in just a small way? Coming up with a mantra or affirmation and reciting it on repeat whenever you find yourself in that situation can be a good remedy, but very often, just becoming aware of the dynamic can be enough to create a shift.

You can also use the Full Moon energies for release work, so write down the dynamics you have observed and then ceremoniously burn them as a symbol of letting go under the bright Full Moon.

While power dynamics are a theme for this Full Moon, there is another sweeter and softer energy floating through the cosmic skies at this time too.

This sweeter energy comes from the planet Neptune, which is in a harmonious position at the time of the Full Moon. Neptune is the planet of dreams and spiritual growth. It holds the vibration of unconditional love and reminds us of our connection to the entire Universe.

Whatever you are moving through, know you are not alone. You have a Divine spirit team on your side and they can work with you to help release and shift any heaviness, sadness, or angst you are feeling.

The Full Moon is a time where the veil is naturally thin anyway, and with the beautiful energies of Neptune, it will be easier for us to connect with higher realms and our higher self. All of this can be incredibly healing and remind us that we are all part of something so much bigger than we can really fathom.

Connecting with your spirituality can also be a soothing practice under this Full Moon. You can use the energies of Neptune to deepen your meditation practice, to pull some oracle cards, or to connect with your intuition.

This energy also supports any creative projects you may be working on. In fact, the power energies from Pluto and the soothing, creative energies of Neptune can be a wonderful dynamic for supporting creative work and for getting your art in front of your desired audience or powerful people in your industry.

Full Moons can also be points of completion, so you may just find that any projects you are working on, particularly creative ones, come to a natural end.

Overall, this Full Moon offers some moments of harmony but also some heaviness too. Our attention may be drawn to the power dynamics in our relationships and we may find ourselves needing to consciously adjust our behaviors. Focus on empowering yourself and know there is cosmic support raining down from all sides. Creative projects can also flourish during this time too.


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