This year is going to close out with an alignment of some amazing Celestial Events and Energies. Tonight the Moon is glowing with EarthShine. EarthShine is sunlight being reflected from the Earth. The light is first reflected from the Earth to the Moon, and back again. The Moon is always extra amazing and extra lit leading up to the Solstice! We still have a powerful alignment playing out with Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter. The Moon has been weaving it’s magic through this string of planets. The Sun and the Moon are lighting these areas on fire in your chart. It’s a great time to get more into astrology to see what areas your activating right now. Tomorrow the Moon aligns with Jupiter. That makes tomorrow one of the luckiest days of the year. It’s an auspicious day for manifesting. Many of you are seeing major results faster from the hard work you have been putting in. We have something even bigger occurring above us. Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus are all sliding together and moving towards our Sun right now. These Planets have all shifted from the East/ Air to West/ Water. This is so rare! This entire month these planets will continue to move towards our Sun. This shift to the west is activating the heart on a deep level. It takes us into the element of water and deeper within the dream and this awakening. We have less then two weeks til the Solstice. That means it’s the last two weeks of Sagittarius Season too. This Sagittarius Season has been about reigniting the light. It’s been trying to help you reclaim your power. It’s also an important time for those of you that are acting as pillars of light. Make sure your holding that higher frequency right now. This week’s 12:12 Portal is massive for any lightworkers. It’s Energies are already bringing major upgrades. It’s Energies are a reminder that you can and will do a lot. Your light is a hope and beacon for many. The 12:12 Portal is also a Twin Flame Activation Portal. It’s bringing Egypt Codes, Past Life Healing, and Initiation Energies. It’s Energies also take us into the Solstice Gateway. We can expect new grids of energies to activate, and Stargate Activations.
Sparks of Divine Light Healing
